Sarah Bernbach in New York, NY

English: AP English Language and Composition, AP English Literature and Composition, Middle School English, High School English, High School Literature, Writing Instruction
Languages : AP Latin, AP French Language and Culture, IB Latin or Classical Greek, IB French AB Initio, National Greek Exam, National Latin Exam, French, Greek, Latin
Admissions Counseling: Application Essays, Interview Skills

Sarah graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University with a B.A. in Classics. She earned a blue ribbon for the highest score in the country on the National Greek Exam. A lifelong New Yorker, Sarah became a teacher following her graduation from college. After detours through work as a pastry chef, fine bookbinder, freelance writer, and costume designer, Sarah returned to the academic world as a tutor at Advantage Testing. Here, every day she continues to feel the marvelous inspiration of working with her many-splendored students and to explore the heights of human expression, the creation of meaning, and the communication of understanding through languages and math.

Sarah is an Associate Director of Advantage Testing, New York.