Yachi Patel in Long Island, NY

Tutor of: SAT, ACT, SSAT, CST, EAS
Mathematics: Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Trigonometry
Science: Earth Science, Living Environment
English: English
Admissions Counseling: College Application Assistance
Miscellaneous : Stress Management Training, Study Skills Training, Time Management

Yachi earned a B.S. in Biology with a minor in Theology from St. John’s University, completing all medical school requirements, before earning an M.A. in Psychology at the City College of New York to study the link between behavior and neurological development. Her research focuses on cognitive processes, neuroplasticity, and the psychological factors shaping learning and behavior.

As an assistant professor at Farmingdale State College and the City College of New York, Yachi teaches courses in Experimental Psychology, Neuroscience, Brain, Mind & Experience, and Cognitive Psychology, mentoring undergraduate and graduate students.

Beyond academia, she is passionate about early cognitive development and works with children through educational activities, mentorship, and research on childhood learning. She also incorporates art and painting into her approach to cognitive and emotional well-being.

With a strong foundation in biological and psychological sciences, Yachi strives to bridge the gap between neuroscience and mental health, helping individuals—especially children—better understand their cognitive potential.

In her free time, she enjoys playing badminton with friends and family.